CLICK HERE to download and view our upcoming events in the month of March.
Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church is seeking a primary organist to accompany/complement our musicians in both traditional and contemporary worship Music.
This individual will provide music via organ and/or keyboard to assist in leading the praise team and choir(s) at all services, as directed by the praise team leader; and is an integral part of the life of this congregation as we worship and share the gospel of Jesus Christ within the congregation, and the community.
- Demonstrated proficiency in organ and keyboard accompaniment.
- Familiarity with traditional and contemporary Christian worship music.
- Ability to think creatively to enhance worship services in a variety of situations.
To inquire about this position please contact the church Administrative Assistant at
520-624-3813 or
MEN'S MINISTRYOur Men's Ministry meets every
4th Saturday of the month at 10am. Men of all ages are invited to join us.
MARRIAGE MINISTRY MEETINGOur Marriage Ministry meets every last Sunday of each month from 3-5pm.Married couples are invited to join us.
EVENING BIBLE STUDY You can join our 6pm Bible study online using the ZOOM info below:
Mount Calvary MBC is inviting you to a scheduled ZOOM meeting.
Topic: Wednesday Bible Study
Time: Every week on Wed 06:00 PM Arizona
CLICK HERE to join the ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 957 4365 7347
Passcode: 700666
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 957 4365 7347
Passcode: 700666
CLICK HERE to find your local number
HARVEST MINISTRY Mt Calvary offers a free hot meal every Thursday from 3pm - 5pm. All are welcomed.
CARE GROUPS Mt Calvary's care groups meet once a month for a time of fellowship and growth.
The purpose of these groups is to keep the church connected with one another and show care and concern for one another.
Contact the church office to join.
Group 1: Jasper (A-D)
Leader: Elder Dan Dawson
Group 2: Amethyst (E-L)
Leader: Pastor Marvin L. Hugley, Sr.
Group 3: Emerald (M-Sh)
Leader: Elder Fred Wiggins
Group 4: Jacinth (Si-Z)
Leader: Pastor Joan E. Wiggins