Please use the “Ministry BooKlet QR CODE” below to access the booklet and find
information about the different types of ministries Mount Calvary offers on your
mobile device. Thank you.
Please use the “Ministry Sign-up Form QR CODE” below to access the form on your
mobile device to fill out your contact information and the ministry you would like
more details. Then, the leader of the church will make contact with you. Thank you.
Ministry Booklets
These are the ministries that work to keep Mt. Calvary Internally Strong...
- Elders
- Deacons
- Trustees
- AV/Sound
- Children’s Choir
- Gate Keepers
- Historian
- Greeters
- Hospitality
- New Members
- Nursery
- Pastor’s Aide
- Prayer
- Rooted Young Adults
- Scholarships
- Spiritual Growth & Development
- Ushers - Adult
- Ushers – Youth
- Worship Arts
These are the ministries that work to keep Mt. Calvary Externally Focused...
- College Eats
- Education
- Golden Agers
- Harvest Fellowship
- Health Ministry
- Marriage Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Mental Health
- Missions
- Nursing Home
- Prison Ministry
- Social Justice
- Vacation Bible School
- Young Adult Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Widows and Widowers
- Women’s Ministry