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Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Tucson, Arizona – History Before the territory of Arizona became a state in 1912, Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church became the oldest African American Baptist church, founded in 1900 by Reverend John B. Bell, a Baptist Missionary who arrived in Tucson by God’s call. In this small community, Rev. Bell Conducted services within the Black community and under his leadership, ten men and women organized a mission to continue the ministry he inspired. Meeting in a small-roomed shack on 7th Avenue and 7th Street near the Southern Pacific Railroad station, the Baptist Mission was born. This building was shared with the Methodist Church. Reverend Vance Cole, called by the congregation was the first Pastor in 1901. In 1904, the membership adopted the name Second Baptist Church and elected the Rev. M. E. Terrell as Pastor. About 1910, the congregation adopted the name, ’Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church’, which has since remained. By the time Arizona became a state on February 14, 1912, this mission church had a Deacon Board and Sunday School teachers for already two years old. The Missionary Society had been organized in 1908.

The membership was growing and to secure more space, the church moved to the southwest corner of North Ninth Avenue and West Fifth Street. In the early 1920’s, land was purchased on the southwest corner of North Tenth Avenue and west Fourth Street where the congregation built its first edifice and a parsonage. Reverend. P. B. Cornelius was leading the congregation at the time of the land purchase and is credited with starting the first building fund for church property construction. The structure at Tenth and Fourth still stands and houses condos and apartments – also the parsonage still stands after serving the membership until the mid-50’s. A new church which is the current facility was completed February 1956 as Pastor T.S. Jackson was Pastor. The facility included a sanctuary seating 500 with an additional 135 in the balcony, two-story educational building and paved parking. Additions to the current Fellowship Hall and educational classrooms were completed in the late 1980’s. In 1961, Mount Calvary was paid for and a mortgage burning ceremony was held along with a new parsonage at 2245 N. Flores Drive, again reaching out to the ‘Sugar Hill’ community and neighborhood. Mount Calvary continues to be anchored in ‘Sugar Hill’ while reaching out to all of Tucson.

Working with the community and the City of Tucson, partial funding was received to begin the Mount Calvary Day Care and a library for the church was established. Mount Calvary also worked closely with the City of Tucson and its Model Cities Program through the pastorage of Pastor Lloyd Hall. In the ‘70’s, the Cathedral Choir participated in a citywide gospel workshop and concert under the direction of the great Reverend James L. Cleveland at the Tucson Community Center. Also, November 12, 1971, the Cathedral Choir and Gospel Workshop Choir made a live recording ‘Nothing But the Blood’ album featuring many of our own.

Mount Calvary has always connected and worked with our communities – local, statewide, national and international. Under the pastorate of Rev. T. E. Gantt, it was seen and known of our participation and connection. Rev. Gantt’s involvement with Rev. Jesse Jackson, who ran for the United States Presidential office, caused him to be designated as the official representative of the Rainbow Coalition in Arizona, giving Mount Calvary national visibility. Events in the communities near and far were addressed by Pastor Gantt i.e., the Miracle Valley confrontation in 1982 ending with two Miracle Valley church members shot and killed, five Cochise County deputies and two church members hospitalized causing an invitation to Rev. Jackson to come Mount Calvary before their visit and investigation in Miracle Valley.

Ministries continued to develop i.e., the Golden Agers for Seniors and with a new Pastor, the focus also grew for the youth. The Haven of Hope under Pastor Moss (funded by the Pima County Racketeering Fund) under the Pima County Attorney’s Office with church membership growing. The affiliation of Mount Calvary with state and national organizations SDA (Southern District Association), Paradise State Convention and National Baptist Convention) provided resources for membership to acquire and/or improve skills in religious leadership and service while also providing opportunities, membership and leadership to actively provide leadership and direction at all levels. Mount Calvary recognized the opportunity to participate, learn, share and lead in its Baptist tradition. As leadership changed, significant expansion of Mount Calvary’s real estate holdings began under the leadership of Rev. Howard. Land and existing structures contiguous to the church on the east side, ‘Tate House’, which is now the Administration Building were purchased. The Harvest Fellowship feeding program was greatly expanded and continues currently. The ‘Haven of Hope’ later changed to ‘ASAP’ – After School Achievers Program. This program served youth largely from the neighborhoods of the church vicinity. As additional property was obtained under Pastor Harvey, growth was discussed. As time changed, acquired property changed, but currently, Mount Calvary’s Sanctuary, renovated Fellowship Hall and classrooms, Administrative Building, additional parking and established parking lots continue to be utilized. Mount Calvary’s Centennial was celebrated in November 2000! Imagine, being thankful to God’s goodness for one hundred years. It was not only Mount Calvary celebrating, but also the Tucson community, sister churches, regional, state and national religious organizations and churches and congregations across the nation. A proclamation for Centennial celebration was received from President William Clinton.

During the tenure of Pastor Harvey, Holy Week was established bringing the community together to observe, worship and praise Jesus in His sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection. A Deaconess handbook was established as a training and informative resource. Year 2007 saw the creation of ‘Cookin’ from the Hip’ – Recipes and Remembrances’ cookbook by the Social Justice Ministry to share recipes and memories from Mount Calvary’s congregation and Tucson’s community. It’s second printing occurred in December 2014. Also, the Social Justice Ministry printed calendars, titled ‘Through Our Eyes’ 2013 and 2014. Our participation as a church in the Tucson Rodeo Parade continued while providing the opportunity to share the Gospel. Without a Pastor for three years after Pastor Harvey, Mount Calvary looked to His promise for a new day and a new season and as it is said, “Won’t He do it? “Continuing in His Word, the call went to Pastor Friend in 2011 who served for five years. Under his leadership, the church continued into the 21st century with new audio and visual equipment, live streaming of church services, a national prayer line, new logo and mission. A Christmas Miracle program in 2013 brought much joy, love, mercy, gifts and assistance to those who were gifted through the generous giving of our congregation. Once again, Mount Calvary went beyond the four walls. Our Mission Ministry continues with gifts of sleeping bags and needed day to day assistance for those in need.

In May 2017, God blessed our church with Deaconesses, those serving God and the congregation being Sisters Marcia Dawson, Martha Hawkins, Joyce Higgs and Billie Laurie. God’s voice was heard and He shone a new light in November 2017 at our 117th church anniversary when the Pastoral call was given to Dr. Marvin L. Hugley, Sr. as the Senior Pastor of Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church. God holds Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in His hands to move her forward in His purpose.

Pastor Hugley has brought to Mount Calvary annual focuses and teaching i.e., Discipling, congregational meetings, workshops, open discussions, prayer rallies, community connections involving churches, associations, schools and all people, new and growing ministries and most importantly the Word of God to be read, taught, expanded, shared and understood. This is most important from the Pastor that God has sent Mount Calvary for souls are enlightened and saved.

We are thankful, grateful, have belief and faith knowing we are anchored while receiving and hearing His Word being preached and shared from Missionary Bell to Pastor Dr. Marvin L. Hugley, Sr.

‘Yesterday is recalled by memory and retrospection; today slips quickly into the historical past. As Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church marches forward into the future, let us do so with new vigor, deeper faith and forward an abiding reliance that our Omnipotent God has brought us thus far. -- Sis. Anna Jolivet

Compiled, reviewed, written and edited: Jacquenese Barnes Price, Church Historian

‘In the Spirit newsletters of Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, edited and written by Sis. Doris Polite (deceased). Sis. Polite also thanked and acknowledged her Sisters in Christ Willie Fears (deceased, Drusilla Flannigan, Irene George (deceased), Joyce Green, Eugenia Wells (deceased) Dorothy Patterson (deceased) and Jacquenese Price for their assistance. Mount Calvary bulletins and anniversary programs, Internet Wikipedia, 100th Anniversary program and 100th Anniversary Committee Sister Anna Joliet, previous Church Historian (deceased) Countless past and present Mount Calvary members, Mount Calvary Pastors and ‘unsung heroes’ of the past whose names were never publicized, but who diligently and quietly worked in Mount Calvary for years to help keep the church going by their faith and diligence.)

Leaders and Pastors
  • 1900 - Baptist Mission founded by Rev. John B. Bell (Tucson)
  • 1901 - Rev. Vance Cole, First Pastor
  • 1904 - Rev. M. E. Terrell, Pastor (renamed church to Second Baptist Church)
  • 1908 - Rev. James, Pastor (Name changed to Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 1910)
  • 1912 - Rev. Humphrey, Pastor
  • 1916 - Rev. Ewell, Pastor
  • 1919 - Rev. Humphrey, Pastor (second time, ill health caused his resignation))
  • 1920-32 - Rev. P. B. Cornelius, Pastor
  • 1933 - Rev. A.C. Dones, Pastor
  • 1937 - Rev. Hilson, Pastor
  • 1937 - Rev. Charles B. Hodges, Pastor (three months)
  • 1943 - Rev. A.G. Kendrick
  • 1949 - Rev. T.S. Jackson (1st Pastor at 210 E. Lester, Tucson)
  • 1966 - Rev. James W. Salley, Pastor
  • 1968 - Rev. Lloyd D. Hall, Jr, Pastor
  • 1978 - Rev. T. Ellsworth Gantt II (1990)
  • 1991 - Rev. Anthony L. Moss, Sr. (1995)
  • 1994 - Rev. Vernon P. Howard, Jr. (1998)
  • 1998 - Pastor Rickey B. Harvey (2008)
  • 2011 - Pastor LaBryant Friend (2016)
  • 2018 - Pastor Marvin L. Hugley, Sr. (present)
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  • Enter the following email address for sending your tithes and offerings to finance@mtcalvarytucson.org
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2. Mobile Giving
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3. Text Giving
Text "Give" to 833-440-0920

4. Online Giving
CLICK HERE to donate online with a debit or credit card

5. Cash/Check/CC
Mail donation to the church at 210 E Lester Street Tucson, AZ 85705
March 2025 Calendar of Events
March 1-31
A snapshot of Mt Calvary's upcoming events in the month of March... more

Sunday School
Sunday 9am

Worship Service
Sunday 10am

Afternoon Bible Study
Wednesday 12pm

Evening Bible Study
Wednesday 6pm via ZOOM
(CLICK HERE for ZOOM instructions)

Morning Prayer Line
Monday - Friday 6am
Dial-In Number: (667) 770-1476
Access Code: 604778#
Playback Number: (667) 770-1477

Prayer Service
Saturday 9am

Office Hours
Tuesday - Wednesday, 10am - 2pm
Thursday, 11:30am - 2:30pm